Migrating and resident birds along with other wildlife received another home make-over in the Maine East Oak Savanna Saturday Oct. 26th. The Ecology Club and other student helpers came out to to help create and restore habitat for our wild animal neighbors. Using funds from the IDNR Schoolyard Habitat Action Grant, students and teachers planted 40 new native shrubs, cut out invasive European Buckthorn and goldenrod, and picked up trash that blew into our 1-acre nature preserve. They also collected acorns and hickory nuts to germinate and later plant.
With help from Art from Art & Linda's Wildflowers, club members and others were able to increase campus biodiversity, maintain a unique learning space, and get more acquainted with our little slice of wilderness. New bird feeders and houses will be going up soon!
With help from Art from Art & Linda's Wildflowers, club members and others were able to increase campus biodiversity, maintain a unique learning space, and get more acquainted with our little slice of wilderness. New bird feeders and houses will be going up soon!
Here's a small write-up about the event in The Journal.